The University of Miami School of Law and the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science offer a joint degree program in law and marine ecosystems and society. Upon completion of this program, a student earns the Juris Doctor degree from the School of Law and a Master of Professional Science in Marine Ecosystems and Society from the Rosenstiel School, ranked as one of the top five geoscience institutions in the United States.
The M.P.S. degree allows students to focus their course work in one of five areas: (if a student has an interest in an MPS track not listed below, the student should contact the Rosenstiel School to determine if the specific track is an option for the student).
Students who apply for the joint J.D./M.P.S. program must apply to both the School of Law and to Rosenstiel School, Department of Marine Ecosystems and Society. Prospective students must achieve a qualifying score on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) and on the General Graduate Record Examination (GRE) for admission to the respective schools. An applicant must notify both schools that he or she is applying for the joint J.D./M.P.S. program and, in order to remain in the joint program, must meet the minimum standards of both schools. (It is possible to have the GRE requirement waived.)
Second Year
6 semesters + 1 summer
12 (6 J.D., 6 M.P.S.)
The student's work in the joint degree program, whether connected with a course, seminar or individual research project at the School of Law or the Rosenstiel School, must result in a substantial research project of publishable quality in marine law or policy or related scientific issues. Students may use their required upper-class research paper at the School of Law to fulfill this requirement.
Juris Doctor (J.D.)A student must complete at least 12 credits from among the following courses or seminars:
M.P.S.A student must complete 24 credits of courses in marine affairs from among the following:
Courses will be updated from time to time and students should consult with a faculty advisor, or other designated person, prior to registering for any course not specifically listed above, or to ensure a course not listed will be credited toward this degree. Rosenstiel School, Department of Marine Ecosystems and Society makes no representation that all of the above courses will be available to any given student at all times during the course of his or her studies.
Prospective Law Students
Office of Admissions
Phone: 305-284-6746
Current UM Students
J.D. Program:
Terrell E. West II
Associate Registrar
Office of the Law Registrar
M.P.S. Program:
Daniel Suman
Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
Phone: 305-742-8762