J.D./M.P.A. in Public Administration

The University of Miami School of Law in partnership with the University of Miami Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences offers a joint J.D./M.P.A. in Law and Public Administration.

Who Should Consider this Joint Degree?

This curriculum prepares Law School students for government, political, and nonprofit legal positions. The program provides a solid theoretical framework and grounding in policy analysis, administration, and management.

Snapshot: Timing & Credits Saved

Begin Taking Graduate Courses

2nd year

Shortest Completion Time

8 semesters

J.D. Credits Required


Graduate PGM Credits Required


Number of Credits Saved

24 (6 J.D., 18 M.P.A.)

This joint program allows students to obtain both J.D. and M.P.A. degrees in 4 years or less - less time than obtaining the degrees separately. The first year is spent in the Law School and years two through four are spent taking both Law and M.P.A. courses.

Courses and Credits

On the J.D. side, students must complete 82 credits in the Law School and 6 credits will be double-counted from the M.P.A courses to complete the total of 88 JD credits. On the M.P.A side, students must complete 30 credits in the Political Science Department including a 3-credit internship, and 18 credits will be double-counted from the J.D. coursework to complete the total of 48 credits. Students will be required to complete a total of 112 credits for both degrees.

J.D. Course Requirements

LAW105 Federal Income Tax, 4 credits

Select 6 credits from the list of courses: 

LAW108 Antitrust: 3 credits
LAW213 Environmental Law: 3 credits
LAW764 Federal and State Arbitration: 2 credits
LAW209 Federal Courts: 3 credits
LAW233 Florida Constitutional Law: 3 credits
LAW276 Health Care and the Constitution: 3 credits
LAW229 Housing Discrimination: 3 credits
LAW335 Immigration Law: 3 credits
LAW651 Public Interest Law and Leadership Seminar: 2 credits
LAW782 Wage theft and Immigrant Worker's Rights Workshop: 2 credits
LAW767 Counsel to College: Legal Practice and Higher Education: 1 credit
LAW260 Environmental Litigation & Policy: 2 credits
LAW136 Family Law: 3 credits
LAW383 Immigration, Ethnicity and Public Policy: 3 credits
LAW315 Jurisprudence: 3 credits
LAW205 Labor Law: 3 credits
LAW637 Philosophy of Law Seminar: Authority and the Duty to Obey the Law: 2 credits
LAW689 Procedure: Legislative & Judicial Seminar: 2 credits
LAW607 Public Education: Access & Equity Seminar: 2 credits
LAW214 State and Local Government: 3 credits
LAW957 Taxation of Exempt Organizations,: 2 credits
LAW646 Voting Rights and Election Law Seminar: 2 credits

M.P.A. Course Requirements

(Each 3 credits may vary from year to year )**

  • POL 501 Budget and Financial Management and Administration
  • POL 510 Political Analysis
  • POL 522 Introduction to Graduate Public Administration
  • POL 551 Productivity Improvement in the Public and Non-profit Sectors
  • POL 606 Seminar in Administration
  • POL 646 Public Policy and Administration
  • POL 647 Public Personnel Policies
  • POL656 Public Service Internship
  • POL 671 Political Environment of Business

Select 3 credits from the list of courses: (each 3 credits)**

  • POL 524 Non-Profit Organizations: Law, Policy, and Management
  • POL 529 Conducting U.S. Elections
  • POL 545 Environmental Policymaking
  • POL 553 Environmental Movement: Groups, Beliefs and Values
  • POL 555 Total Quality Public Service Management
  • POL 556 Political Ethics
  • POL 557 Ethical Issues in Government, Business and Nonprofit Sectors
  • POL 558 From Electronic Government to Digital Governance
  • POL 599 Introduction to Game Theory
  • POL 599 Public Management Process

**Note: Undergraduate POL majors who enroll in the joint JD/MPA program may have taken one or more of the POL 500-level courses listed above. They would still need to complete 30 additional credits in graduate MPA courses, but they would not be required to repeat courses previously taken.

Hear From a Student: Why a J.D./M.P.A.?

Brendan Corrigan discusses his experience in our joint degree program in law and public administration and how this master's complements a law degree. He also expands on how someone can use these combined degrees for career choices.


To be admitted to this program, students must apply separately to both programs. Students may apply to the MPA program prior to beginning Law School or anytime during the first or second year of Law School. Students may begin the MPA program in the fall, spring, or summer semesters.

For admission to the M.P.A. program, students must complete an MPA application. If they apply before the end of their first year in Law School, they will not need to take the GRE exam. Their LSAT score will be used instead of the GRE. For more details on the M.P.A. program, visit the M.P.A. website.

Acceptance by one program does not in any way indicate or guarantee acceptance by the other degree program.

J.D./M.P.A. Proposed Sample Schedule with 4 years, no summers: (Note: schedule can be shortened through summer credits).

Tuition and Fees

Tuition for J.D. courses will be paid to the Law School. Tuition for the M.P.A courses will be paid to the College of Arts and Sciences. Law School scholarships may only be used towards tuition for Law School courses.

For More Information

Prospective Law Students
Office of Admissions
Email: admissions@law.miami.edu
Phone: 305-284-6746

Current UM Students
J.D. Program:
Terrell E. West II
Associate Registrar
Office of the Law Registrar
Email: twest@law.miami.edu

M.P.A. Program:
Dr. Lina Lopez
Director of Graduate and Professional Programs
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone:  305-284-2034
Email: lina@miami.edu
